Wed 5 Mar 2024 Mandolins and Merlot

Free Mandolin Workshop With Wine

Come and try playing mandolin with an ensemble…

If you play violin, your left hand will know what to do: the fingering’s the same.

7.30pm Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Concordia Mandolin and Guitar Ensemble is a performing orchestra of plucked-string musicians. We rehearse on Wednesday evenings and perform about six concerts a year in Melbourne and around Victoria.

We are inviting players of mandolin, violin, mandola or guitar to join us for an ‘open rehearsal’ and workshop. Open to any age group: Our players range in age from 16 to 80!

We will provide notated music. Guitarists, please note our music is not available in TAB.

The workshop will be led by the masterful Darryl Barron – player and teacher of mandolin, mandola and guitar and former conductor of Melbourne Mandolin Orchestra.

Rehearsal & workshop address: 54 Serrell Street, Malvern East

Please book on Trybooking –

For more information, contact Marion on 0409 860 251 (leave message, she’ll call back) or

We look forward to meeting you on Wednesday March 5 and hope you will then join our group for a light supper and glass of wine.